Function applyFolder

  • Copy the entire contents of a directory to the target location. All paths will be merged / created for you.


    • folder: string

      the location of the folder to copy the contents of

    • Optional to: string

      sub folder within the target project to copy the contents to

    Returns Promise<void>


    if this script is located as a sibling to the "files" directory, this will copy each file in the "files" directory to the process.cwd() directory.

    import { files } from 'ember-apply';

    await files.applyFolder(path.resolve(__dirname, 'files'));


    if this script is located as a sibling to the "files" directory, this will copy each file in the "files" directory to the ${process.cwd()}/target/subfolder directory.

    import { files } from 'ember-apply';

    await files.applyFolder(path.resolve(__dirname, 'files'), 'target/subfolder');

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